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self soul spiritual



unlock the BLUEPRINT ​to your life

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Zodiac Astrology Circle. Astrological Constellation Wheel, Zodiac Horoscope Signs, Mystical Natal Chart, Wheel Sky Zodiac Map Vector Illustration

A birth chart is the blueprint to your life.

It determines who you are at your core ​giving you a better understanding of the ​finer details of yourself.

Deciphering everything from how you ​communicate to how you love.

Even revealing past lives and your karmic ​destiny in this lifetime.

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What you'll receive...

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Video breakdown and explanation ​of all elements of your chart

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Lifetime access to a downloadable ​guide with an entire break down ​of your personal chart

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Reveal your past lives and karmic breakdown ​with your North Node and South Node

Meet Jess

the face of self soul spiritual

Over the last 5 years, I’ve mastered a life of living in ​alignment through following the guidance of my birth ​chart & human design. I’ve done work through 200 HR ​Yoga Teacher Training, Reiki Attunements 1 & 2, and ​tapping into my psychic intuitive gifts + divination practice ​to serve & to guide.

I have discovered the power that living in alignment with ​your birth chart can bring and I am determined to bring ​that knowledge and power to everyone so that they can ​tap into their highest potential; energetically, physically, ​emotionally, spiritually, financially & most importantly, in ​alignment with THEIR OWN energy.